Around 1:40 pm on July 24, 2011 i was holding Mojo in my hand. He decided to go to higher ground and climbed on my shoulder. Normally I hold him pretty tight but he has really been showing progress in the bonding experience so I let him go, besides there really wasn't anywhere he could jump to (so I thought). Well without any notice he jump to the wall behind me, however he could not grab it because it is panelling. So when he did Jump I got scared and sort of lunged to grab him, which scared him and he jetted off. My door was opened but I don't think he was initially going for the door until he saw it as an escape from this huge maniac (me) coming for him. So he hopped as fast as he could (faster than I could get to him) out side on to my deck and then up a pine tree. My first reaction was to get my shoes on and try to scale the tree but it is at least 15-20 feet up before the first branch and I only have a 6' A-frame ladder. So I watch as he climbed higher and higher.
Jayden started to cry, and I was faced with having to text Luka (she was at work) explaining that I had just lost our baby. He is a baby. He is only 14 weeks out of pouch (oop). So I did not get a response fast enough so I called Luka at work and a woman there answered and when she knew it was me she started to playfully harass me. I was not up for the playfulness and it took every bit of composure that I had to keep from going off on her. She finally gave the phone to Luka and then I told her and she thought I was lying. However this is not something I would joke about, I just couldn't be able to hold a straight face if it wasn't true. So as I am sure she was crying after I got off the phone I thought of every way to try to get him back. I put the cage with Precious in it in hopes that he would smell her, especially since I think he is bonded with her. I thought maybe she will bark or make a noise to get his attention, she did not. I saw him looking down, from one of the branches, at me placing the cage out side. I put apples with his Glide-a-mins on it and put it in his pouch and tied it up into the tree as far as I could get too.
Luella came home for lunch and went out on the deck and started to ring a bell that was in their cage. She said he always came to the bell. She rang that bell her entire lunch. I don't think she ate anything. She said she was going to buy flash lights and more bells to ring and shine all night. She went back to work, and I had to find something to take my mind off the situation. Not only was my little guy out in the wild where he could get hurt, it was my fault. Everything I tried to take my mind off the matter did not work. So I searched 'Help my Glider ran up a tree' and found some hope in the stories goole returned. One person had posted to a forum that after 5 days her little baby was barking from a tree as she was going to work. I had hope and despair all at once.
We Left Precious outside until about 11:30 pm, with the heat lamp on. We opened a window so we could hear if Mojo started to bark or make any sounds. So around midnight I decided I need to go to bed, I have to get up early to register my new classes at HVCC. Though I thought it would be impossible to sleep, it was not. I was out fast and hard. Until about 3:50 am, to which I was abruptly woken up by a very excited Luka. If I remember correctly I heard, "Babe wake up, I think Mojo is in the kitchen!" with the same excitement my kids have when they have discovered Santa was here. Now my first thought was to say go the eff to bed. But I had reconsidered after a vision of another abrupt wakening by Luka when Precious was sick (see Rewind - a little Precious History). So I figured I would oblige her and got up. Then, to my surprise, I saw a furry tailed creature jumping in my kitchen. I couldn't believe it, infact when I got him in my hands I had to check him over to make sure it wasn't another glider. I mean remember I was just woken out of a state of bliss and still foggy and here in my house was what seemed to be my little darling. Luka made him and apple with his vitamins and we let him sit on the table while eating the apple.
I looked him over and he seemed to have what I believe to be tree sap on him. I started to remove the sap from his nails, I didn't want him to bring it in the cage to Precious, just in case it was something other than pine sap. So I held him in the Mendenhall and and he looked exhausted. He started to fall asleep but we didn't let him. We woke Precious and brought her out to him and she immediately hissed at him, and he hissed back. I imagined I knew what they were saying, and the dialog in my head went something like. "Where the hell have you been?" "you smell like pine juice and hooker spray", "Where you out at the club again messing with those damn hookers?", "Get your ass back in that cage and clean yourself up". Although the hissing didn't last as long as my imaginary conversation did.
After a little while of holding Mojo and Precious, we decided to let them go back to the cage and rest. They both went to their hammock and cuddled a little. I noticed later on that he went to the bottom of the cage where we have a t-shirt on their heat rock. Though we haven't had the heat rock on for some weeks now because of the temperature and neither one of them ever go down there. So I turned on the rock to make sure he was comfy and warm. Precious went into her wheel and stayed there for quite a while. Eventually he came out from under the t-shirt on the bottom and joined her in the wheel. When I put my hand in he crabbed and put on his big boy face which really worried me because we had gotten past that stage in the bonding process. All morning if I made any movement he crabbed, so I just figured he was exhausted and just needed to get some rest.
So after a long days rest I pulled Mojo out to de-poop him and get him ready to pouch him and take him to TKD. Then I de-pooped Miss Precious and put her in her pouch and we went to TKD. He didn't make a peep the whole time we were at TKD, in fact he crawled up into a ball and passed out. I began writing this blog while he slept at TKD. After TKD we went to Wal-Mart to do some shopping and he again didn't peep until I tried to swing his pouch around to my back so I could unload the shopping cart with out squishing him and he flipped out it was actually quite funny. When we got home I put both of them in the cage and they both cuddled in their hammock. Shortly after that he came out and went into his dining room to eat. Now he is running around the cage and she is passed out in the hammock. Ok so now you have read my account the the great escape. I had Luka write her side of the story and I am going to put that below. I of course wrote this from memory and because a lot of it happened while I was groggy, my accounts and Luella's may be slightly different. I am going to post hers unedited as to keep her story genuine. Most likely her times and order of events are probably more accurate because well we all know women have better memories. I mean think about every time a man is in a fight with a woman. The man can't ever remember the things the woman did wrong, but the woman remembers what you did wrong, when you did it wrong, and what you were wearing when you did it wrong. Until next time, Happy trails.
Just Not Skinny
Ok so I’m at work & it’s 2pm when I get a call from Jim saying he lost Mojo. I really thought he was joking but he said he wasn’t joking & that he wouldn’t joke about that! He said he was holding him & Mojo jumped off him & out the door & up the 2nd tree next to the porch. I was ready to cry, I mean I wanted so bad to come home but I couldn’t, Tristan was on lunch & I was waiting for her to get back so I could go home for lunch. It was really hard to stay focused at work knowing our little boy was not inside safe where he belongs, he was out in the wild. I got home for lunch & sure enough no Mojo Jim had put their cage on the porch & had an apple, the wheel & some food all on the cage I added yogurt to the top of the cage thinking maybe he would smell that more than the apple. I play with him in the morning with their toys & one of the toys has a bell on the bottom & when I shake it he comes to it so I thought about shaking his toy & making the bell sound. I’m not sure if it was going to work or not but at this point what could it hurt. I didn’t want to go back to work but I had to & just before I left to go back I shook the toy again & this time I seen him in the 3rd tree in the yard & got really excited but he was gone again so I go back to work. Now keep in mind these trees are pine trees & about 100-150 ft tall & he is close to the top so we cannot go get him.
I got home from work & still no Mojo it is now 6:15pm & he has been missing since about 1:50pm he has been missing for just over 4 hours now in the wild not know where our little boy was. I stated ringing bells walking around the yard looking like I’m crazy walking & shaking a bell & calling his name. I did this off & on throughout the evening with my little boy helping me ring another bell. We didn’t want to tell our daughter because we were hoping he would come back & we would not have to tell her but that didn’t work & when we told her she broke down crying & went to a friend’s house. I called our oldest boy asking him if he could come home & scale the other tree maybe to scare him back to the first tree & maybe down to us but he didn’t have a way to get here until later. When he did come up he look & was willing to go up but it was after dark & really didn’t want to scare Mojo further away. I started asking on different websites how to get him back & what other things I can do that we maybe we’re not doing, but they all said to do pretty much just what we were doing. A couple of people said to call the fire department & if I thought it would have worked I would have but I think they would have just scared him further away. It was about 11:30 when Jim & I decided to go to bed; we brought Precious & her cage in the house & put fresh apples & food out for him. About 1am Jim & I came back out held Precious & check on the food & apples but still no sign of Mojo so I opened the living room window in case she tried calling him maybe he would come back, not that he would be able to get into the window with the screen on it but hey I’m willing to sleep on the porch for him at this point. Jim held Precious for a little bit more as he read me a few things off the internet about bonding then we went to bed about 1:30am.
I got woken up at 3:15am by something I’m not sure what but knew I would not be able to go back to sleep without checking on the porch to see if Mojo had come home so I grabbed my phone & a blanket & was planning on resting on the couch until morning so I didn’t wake Jim up. I can out opened the door just a little bit & turned the porch on 50% but no sign of Mojo so I went & sat on the couch looking out the window trying to make some calling/hissing sounds to see if I could get him to make noises back but nothing. I turned the TV on all the lights were off in the house but the TV & I heard a noise in the kitchen, it sounded like a bottle falling into the sink (we do have mice problems at times) I hide behind Precious’s cage thinking it was a mouse & used my phone to turn on the lights & I saw what I thought might be a fuzzy tail. So I started to move a little closer & it looked like Mojo but I was not sure & seeing as I’m scared of mice & I really thought it was him. I ran in woke Jim up saying “Mojo is in the kitchen, I think Mojo is in the kitchen”, he said “What do you mean who is in the kitchen?” I said again I think Mojo is in the kitchen! He ran out behind me & sure enough Mojo was in the kitchen running behind the sink along the window & around to the counter. Jim just picked him right up we gave him an apple with glide-a-mins & brought Precious over to see him & they were hissing at each other (hissing is a good thing for them, it’s them talking).
We were so excited to have our little boy home, I texted Stephanie & Jimmy to let them know, I also texted Niki & Heidi to let them know.
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