Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey everyone!

Ok so it has been a few days since my last blog, I guess life sort of happens and sometimes I just procrastinate. So since Mojo has been back things have been back to normal. He doesn't bite unless you hold him a way he doesn't want to be held. Precious and Mojo are getting along better than ever, not that they didn't before.

A few days ago we put the tent up and brought Precious and Mojo in there with us. Stephanie, Jayden, Luka and myself were in the tent and we turned down the lights. We brought a flashlight, and napkins in with us to make sure we could clean up if they decided to defecate in the tent. It was fun, though neither of them really jumped around. Most of the time they just crawled around trying to search things out. Mojo got on my shoulder and I think he was gonna give me a wet willy but he tickled my ear and I jerked away before he could. Mojo was sniffing Luka's toes which made her a bit edgy since she wasn't sure if he would take a chomp of her toes or not. It was indeed fun, though it got real hot and sweaty in the tent so it's not something we do all the time.

We took Precious and Mojo to Jaydens peace camp today to show everyone. Everyone, kids and adults alike, really enjoyed seeing, petting, and learning about sugar gliders. At first I was only gonna take out Precious since she is a little more behaved than Mojo, but I decided it would be ok to take them both out for the show. After the show, the kids got in a single file line and came through and took turns petting precious. When Jayden came by to pet her, she jumped onto his shirt. It was cool to see that Precious could recognize Jayden in the midst of all the other kids there.

Well that about does it, if I think of anything else I'll write it down and put it in the next blog. Since I am new to blogging, I have yet to get in the frame of mind of reminding myself to write everything down when it happens for the blog. I'll get it though. Another idea I have is to do some Video Blogs (VLOGS) and post them to my Youtube channel

SIDE NOTE: My brother came over this past weekend and I cleaned up his neck using clippers, so I decided since he was here and I was in need of a hair cut I'd let him shave my head. Now I look like Uncle Fester. Ok not quite that bald, but I did take it down to the lowest setting on the clippers. Ok back to the point, when Jayden saw my head he asked if I could do his so he could look like Daddy. I said yeah but mom didn't agree and this is one argument I won't win so I dropped it. There is no-way I am getting between mom and school pics.

Just Not Skinny

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