Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mojo Day 2


Woke up this morning (read afternoon) and went to grab Mojo from the cage but I had Precious who is tame, My son went in to get Precious (you know the one I had) and got attacked. It was a funny mistake.

I took Mojo out and held him for about an hour, he did fuss and fight while I tried to get him in the Mendenhall but once I got him in the grip he did go to sleep but was woken every time I typed something on the computer. Luella had Precious out so I grabbed her and brought her close to Mojo and he flipped out, she made a little hissing noise that seemed as if she was telling him something. It was actually amusing. She made the same noise when I put my hand in the cage and Mojo stood up like he was going to attack me, I am not sure if she was warning him or if she was just telling him it was ok because he sat down and kind of just watched me.

I tried once again to give him a fruit snack but he wanted nothing to do with it. I am a bit worried that he will not eat the pellets that we use for our Precious. The pet store we got Mojo from recommends meal worms for food and 'PP' does not. 'PP' uses (and so do we) a pellet and glide - a - min (vitamin) for their suggies. One of the reasons 'PP' does not recommend feeding them meal worms and crickets is because it causes them to have an odor. I can tell the difference between Precious odor (Puppy like) and Mojo's (Guinea Pig like) I can only assume 'PP' is correct. So I am worried that he won't eat the pellets. He did eat the apple we put in with the glid -a- mins so he is getting some fluids and vitamins but hopefully he will get the hang of the pellets.

After putting him back in the cage, he explored it some more, drank some water and he ate one of the fruit snacks I put in there. Then he went up in the hammock with Precious and went to sleep. They have slept most of the day, since I was painting a bedroom and wasn't bugging them. Around 10pm I took Mojo out and played with him on my bed. He bit me while I had him on my palm but if I put him on the back of my hand he didn't bite me. His bites aren't quite as hard as Precious'. He didn't crab as much, but he did bite when he got the chance, almost as if he wanted to see what I would do if he bit me. Every time he bit me I would say 'NO' in a firm voice and he would look at me as if to say hey don't yell at me I was just tasting you and you are delicious. I think I will leave them alone tonight and let them get into some sort of routine. Maybe he will eat tonight, if not I may have to get meal worms and I really do not want to do that. Just Not Skinny

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