Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another Day

So another day has arrived and I (being unemployed and waiting for the next school semester to begin) have to find something to do. This week we have been riding bicycles each day in hopes that it will help aid me in the loss of weight. I spend a lot of time behind a keyboard and because of that, my increasing joy of eating and the fact that I quit smoking has added quite a few pounds to my body. In an act of kindness (to you the viewer) I have decided to try to lose some weight, but I hate exercising. So anyhow back to fighting boredom, I decided to take out the little boogers and play with them.

First I took Mojo out and de-pooped him, afterwards I tried to get him to go to sleep in my hand like I have been able to in the past. He was not having it, he fought tooth and nail (Literally) to get out of the grip and would not Go The F**k to Sleep . So I decided to take him to my bedroom and let him crawl around on my bed, that way if he tries to get away I have a better chance of catching him. In the process of playing he found a place in the room that he really wanted to jump to. However, since the place he wanted to jump to was a few boxes in a corner and I knew if he got over there I might have a hard time getting him back (I think he knew it too). I just kept spinning so he could not lock on to the boxes and that kind of made him mad. He decided to climb up my face and get on my head (Which is now bald because I shaved it) to see the boxes. This way no matter where I turned he could see the boxes. So I thought I would get smart and duck my head down so that he could step off and get on the bed, but this proved to be painful as he just dug his nails in deeper (Did I mention I also have a sun burn on the top of my head because of the baldness?).

After playing with Mojo for an hour I decided to get Precious out and give her some fun time. I brought Precious into the bedroom and tried to put her on the bed and she immediately ran back to me and up my body to my shoulder. Then I spun around and she spotted the boxes that Mojo had spotted but instead of trying to jump she ran down my leg to see if she could get a better vantage point. After she reached the edge of my shorts she turned around and ran up me in a frantically fast pace. Then she tried it again and again, first down then swoosh back up. She then went down, and braved the wild by jumping off me and onto the bed. She looked over at the boxes with a menacing grin (Well it looked like a grin :P), she headed over to my curtains. I am sure that she knew by getting on the curtains she could easily run to the boxes that she had been so intent to get to. When I wen to go for her so that she could not get on the curtains she turned around and ran up my arm again. It feels good that she was comfortable enough to come back to me. I am almost at a place willing to let her do a little more exploring of this place. I will never let her just go and explore, but part of me wants to let her go and see if she will come back.

Just Not Skinny

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hey everyone!

Ok so it has been a few days since my last blog, I guess life sort of happens and sometimes I just procrastinate. So since Mojo has been back things have been back to normal. He doesn't bite unless you hold him a way he doesn't want to be held. Precious and Mojo are getting along better than ever, not that they didn't before.

A few days ago we put the tent up and brought Precious and Mojo in there with us. Stephanie, Jayden, Luka and myself were in the tent and we turned down the lights. We brought a flashlight, and napkins in with us to make sure we could clean up if they decided to defecate in the tent. It was fun, though neither of them really jumped around. Most of the time they just crawled around trying to search things out. Mojo got on my shoulder and I think he was gonna give me a wet willy but he tickled my ear and I jerked away before he could. Mojo was sniffing Luka's toes which made her a bit edgy since she wasn't sure if he would take a chomp of her toes or not. It was indeed fun, though it got real hot and sweaty in the tent so it's not something we do all the time.

We took Precious and Mojo to Jaydens peace camp today to show everyone. Everyone, kids and adults alike, really enjoyed seeing, petting, and learning about sugar gliders. At first I was only gonna take out Precious since she is a little more behaved than Mojo, but I decided it would be ok to take them both out for the show. After the show, the kids got in a single file line and came through and took turns petting precious. When Jayden came by to pet her, she jumped onto his shirt. It was cool to see that Precious could recognize Jayden in the midst of all the other kids there.

Well that about does it, if I think of anything else I'll write it down and put it in the next blog. Since I am new to blogging, I have yet to get in the frame of mind of reminding myself to write everything down when it happens for the blog. I'll get it though. Another idea I have is to do some Video Blogs (VLOGS) and post them to my Youtube channel

SIDE NOTE: My brother came over this past weekend and I cleaned up his neck using clippers, so I decided since he was here and I was in need of a hair cut I'd let him shave my head. Now I look like Uncle Fester. Ok not quite that bald, but I did take it down to the lowest setting on the clippers. Ok back to the point, when Jayden saw my head he asked if I could do his so he could look like Daddy. I said yeah but mom didn't agree and this is one argument I won't win so I dropped it. There is no-way I am getting between mom and school pics.

Just Not Skinny

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mojos escape

A video of Mojo Sleeping

Waiting for Mojo to come homeAround 1:40 pm on July 24, 2011 i was holding Mojo in my hand. He decided to go to higher ground and climbed on my shoulder. Normally I hold him pretty tight but he has really been showing progress in the bonding experience so I let him go, besides there really wasn't anywhere he could jump to (so I thought). Well without any notice he jump to the wall behind me, however he could not grab it because it is panelling. So when he did Jump I got scared and sort of lunged to grab him, which scared him and he jetted off. My door was opened but I don't think he was initially going for the door until he saw it as an escape from this huge maniac (me) coming for him. So he hopped as fast as he could (faster than I could get to him) out side on to my deck and then up a pine tree. My first reaction was to get my shoes on and try to scale the tree but it is at least 15-20 feet up before the first branch and I only have a 6' A-frame ladder. So I watch as he climbed higher and higher.

Jayden started to cry, and I was faced with having to text Luka (she was at work) explaining that I had just lost our baby. He is a baby. He is only 14 weeks out of pouch (oop). So I did not get a response fast enough so I called Luka at work and a woman there answered and when she knew it was me she started to playfully harass me. I was not up for the playfulness and it took every bit of composure that I had to keep from going off on her. She finally gave the phone to Luka and then I told her and she thought I was lying. However this is not something I would joke about, I just couldn't be able to hold a straight face if it wasn't true. So as I am sure she was crying after I got off the phone I thought of every way to try to get him back. I put the cage with Precious in it in hopes that he would smell her, especially since I think he is bonded with her. I thought maybe she will bark or make a noise to get his attention, she did not. I saw him looking down, from one of the branches, at me placing the cage out side. I put apples with his Glide-a-mins on it and put it in his pouch and tied it up into the tree as far as I could get too.

Luella came home for lunch and went out on the deck and started to ring a bell that was in their cage. She said he always came to the bell. She rang that bell her entire lunch. I don't think she ate anything. She said she was going to buy flash lights and more bells to ring and shine all night. She went back to work, and I had to find something to take my mind off the situation. Not only was my little guy out in the wild where he could get hurt, it was my fault. Everything I tried to take my mind off the matter did not work. So I searched 'Help my Glider ran up a tree' and found some hope in the stories goole returned. One person had posted to a forum that after 5 days her little baby was barking from a tree as she was going to work. I had hope and despair all at once.

We Left Precious outside until about 11:30 pm, with the heat lamp on. We opened a window so we could hear if Mojo started to bark or make any sounds. So around midnight I decided I need to go to bed, I have to get up early to register my new classes at HVCC. Though I thought it would be impossible to sleep, it was not. I was out fast and hard. Until about 3:50 am, to which I was abruptly woken up by a very excited Luka. If I remember correctly I heard, "Babe wake up, I think Mojo is in the kitchen!" with the same excitement my kids have when they have discovered Santa was here. Now my first thought was to say go the eff to bed. But I had reconsidered after a vision of another abrupt wakening by Luka when Precious was sick (see Rewind - a little Precious History). So I figured I would oblige her and got up. Then, to my surprise, I saw a furry tailed creature jumping in my kitchen. I couldn't believe it, infact when I got him in my hands I had to check him over to make sure it wasn't another glider. I mean remember I was just woken out of a state of bliss and still foggy and here in my house was what seemed to be my little darling. Luka made him and apple with his vitamins and we let him sit on the table while eating the apple. Mojo eating an Apple after coming home from an quick escape

I looked him over and he seemed to have what I believe to be tree sap on him. I started to remove the sap from his nails, I didn't want him to bring it in the cage to Precious, just in case it was something other than pine sap. So I held him in the Mendenhall and and he looked exhausted. He started to fall asleep but we didn't let him. We woke Precious and brought her out to him and she immediately hissed at him, and he hissed back. I imagined I knew what they were saying, and the dialog in my head went something like. "Where the hell have you been?" "you smell like pine juice and hooker spray", "Where you out at the club again messing with those damn hookers?", "Get your ass back in that cage and clean yourself up". Although the hissing didn't last as long as my imaginary conversation did.

After a little while of holding Mojo and Precious, we decided to let them go back to the cage and rest. They both went to their hammock and cuddled a little. I noticed later on that he went to the bottom of the cage where we have a t-shirt on their heat rock. Though we haven't had the heat rock on for some weeks now because of the temperature and neither one of them ever go down there. So I turned on the rock to make sure he was comfy and warm. Precious went into her wheel and stayed there for quite a while. Eventually he came out from under the t-shirt on the bottom and joined her in the wheel. When I put my hand in he crabbed and put on his big boy face which really worried me because we had gotten past that stage in the bonding process. All morning if I made any movement he crabbed, so I just figured he was exhausted and just needed to get some rest.

So after a long days rest I pulled Mojo out to de-poop him and get him ready to pouch him and take him to TKD. Then I de-pooped Miss Precious and put her in her pouch and we went to TKD. He didn't make a peep the whole time we were at TKD, in fact he crawled up into a ball and passed out. I began writing this blog while he slept at TKD. After TKD we went to Wal-Mart to do some shopping and he again didn't peep until I tried to swing his pouch around to my back so I could unload the shopping cart with out squishing him and he flipped out it was actually quite funny. When we got home I put both of them in the cage and they both cuddled in their hammock. Shortly after that he came out and went into his dining room to eat. Now he is running around the cage and she is passed out in the hammock. Ok so now you have read my account the the great escape. I had Luka write her side of the story and I am going to put that below. I of course wrote this from memory and because a lot of it happened while I was groggy, my accounts and Luella's may be slightly different. I am going to post hers unedited as to keep her story genuine. Most likely her times and order of events are probably more accurate because well we all know women have better memories. I mean think about every time a man is in a fight with a woman. The man can't ever remember the things the woman did wrong, but the woman remembers what you did wrong, when you did it wrong, and what you were wearing when you did it wrong. Until next time, Happy trails.

Just Not Skinny

Ok so I’m at work & it’s 2pm when I get a call from Jim saying he lost Mojo. I really thought he was joking but he said he wasn’t joking & that he wouldn’t joke about that! He said he was holding him & Mojo jumped off him & out the door & up the 2nd tree next to the porch. I was ready to cry, I mean I wanted so bad to come home but I couldn’t, Tristan was on lunch & I was waiting for her to get back so I could go home for lunch. It was really hard to stay focused at work knowing our little boy was not inside safe where he belongs, he was out in the wild. I got home for lunch & sure enough no Mojo Jim had put their cage on the porch & had an apple, the wheel & some food all on the cage I added yogurt to the top of the cage thinking maybe he would smell that more than the apple. I play with him in the morning with their toys & one of the toys has a bell on the bottom & when I shake it he comes to it so I thought about shaking his toy & making the bell sound. I’m not sure if it was going to work or not but at this point what could it hurt. I didn’t want to go back to work but I had to & just before I left to go back I shook the toy again & this time I seen him in the 3rd tree in the yard & got really excited but he was gone again so I go back to work. Now keep in mind these trees are pine trees & about 100-150 ft tall & he is close to the top so we cannot go get him.

Precious welcoming Mojo homeI got home from work & still no Mojo it is now 6:15pm & he has been missing since about 1:50pm he has been missing for just over 4 hours now in the wild not know where our little boy was. I stated ringing bells walking around the yard looking like I’m crazy walking & shaking a bell & calling his name. I did this off & on throughout the evening with my little boy helping me ring another bell. We didn’t want to tell our daughter because we were hoping he would come back & we would not have to tell her but that didn’t work & when we told her she broke down crying & went to a friend’s house. I called our oldest boy asking him if he could come home & scale the other tree maybe to scare him back to the first tree & maybe down to us but he didn’t have a way to get here until later. When he did come up he look & was willing to go up but it was after dark & really didn’t want to scare Mojo further away. I started asking on different websites how to get him back & what other things I can do that we maybe we’re not doing, but they all said to do pretty much just what we were doing. A couple of people said to call the fire department & if I thought it would have worked I would have but I think they would have just scared him further away. It was about 11:30 when Jim & I decided to go to bed; we brought Precious & her cage in the house & put fresh apples & food out for him. About 1am Jim & I came back out held Precious & check on the food & apples but still no sign of Mojo so I opened the living room window in case she tried calling him maybe he would come back, not that he would be able to get into the window with the screen on it but hey I’m willing to sleep on the porch for him at this point. Jim held Precious for a little bit more as he read me a few things off the internet about bonding then we went to bed about 1:30am.

I got woken up at 3:15am by something I’m not sure what but knew I would not be able to go back to sleep without checking on the porch to see if Mojo had come home so I grabbed my phone & a blanket & was planning on resting on the couch until morning so I didn’t wake Jim up. I can out opened the door just a little bit & turned the porch on 50% but no sign of Mojo so I went & sat on the couch looking out the window trying to make some calling/hissing sounds to see if I could get him to make noises back but nothing. I turned the TV on all the lights were off in the house but the TV & I heard a noise in the kitchen, it sounded like a bottle falling into the sink (we do have mice problems at times) I hide behind Precious’s cage thinking it was a mouse & used my phone to turn on the lights & I saw what I thought might be a fuzzy tail. So I started to move a little closer & it looked like Mojo but I was not sure & seeing as I’m scared of mice & I really thought it was him. I ran in woke Jim up saying “Mojo is in the kitchen, I think Mojo is in the kitchen”, he said “What do you mean who is in the kitchen?” I said again I think Mojo is in the kitchen! He ran out behind me & sure enough Mojo was in the kitchen running behind the sink along the window & around to the counter. Jim just picked him right up we gave him an apple with glide-a-mins & brought Precious over to see him & they were hissing at each other (hissing is a good thing for them, it’s them talking).

We were so excited to have our little boy home, I texted Stephanie & Jimmy to let them know, I also texted Niki & Heidi to let them know.


Holy effin Mojo

It's a nerve relaxing, guilt releasing MIRACLE. Holy wow, I am so having a hard time keeping this from a R rated post. Ok so now as I posted the earlier I lost Mojo, well I want everyone to know that I REALLY DID LOSE HIM. Even though we have only had him for a short while anyone who has one of these little guys knows how fast you become so attached to them. So I do not mind telling you guys, aside from the fact that I am the one that accidentally let him escape, I almost cried cause I missed him.

It is 3:58 am, so I am exhausted so all you get right now is hi, how are you doing? Oh by the way Mojo found his way home……

Thats right Mojo is back in his cage right now and while I am probably not going to be able to go back to sleep I am off to do so and then we will right what happened tomorrow and repost.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mojo - No more

Well today is a sad day here, Because my little guy Mojo has escaped and ran up a tree. I do not have much to write other than we are doing what we can to try to get him back. There are a few stories online that gives us hope and encouragement so we will be setting up a cage and a heat rock with food and water and hope that he gets scared and comes home. I will keep posting if anything new comes about. Precious seems fine, I was hoping putting her outside in her cage she would call for him but she is sleeping like a baby. Just Not Skinny

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mojo Day 6


So today we did the usual, we got the little boogers out Just before TKD and held them for a little while. We try to let them get their sleep during the day because they are nocturnal. We prepared the pouch for each of them and trucked off to TKD. Today one of the moms that wanted to see them yesterday wanted to show her Grandson so I took Mojo out and he started to poop and pee on me. Normally I wouldn't worry about that but it was about to run into the scratches on my hand as shown in this picture. Yes my suggies tore my hand up because of their long nails.

When I got home I took Mojo out and held him in the Mendenhall and he fell a sleep. I noticed that he opens his mouth and kind of pants a little, I was a bit concerned but when I offered him a drink he refused. I offered him a treat and again he refused. I am not sure why he does this.


Luka had Precious and she played with her in her shirt for a while and then she fell asleep in her shirt. I had Luka come over and take pictures of Mojo sleeping but he woke. I am uploading the photos to my Google+ account hopefully everyone can view them.

The Day is not over yet but here goes the post

Just Not Skinny

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mojo day 5

OK so today was a good day, I played with the suggies early this morning though I did not de-poop them so they decided to let me have it. Both of them played well together while climbing on my shirt. I put Precious back in the cage and held Mojo for a little while in the Mendenhall he did good, but was not about to go to sleep for me. After about an hour I put him back in his cage.

About 5pm I took Mojo out of the cage and held him in the Mendenhall for a little while then I let him crawl around my Laptop while I downloaded and installed the new Mac OS X Lion. Occasionally I would have to reset him because he would try to run off too far. At 5:45 I put him in my shirt pocket and Luka took Precious out and put her in her pouch that Luka had prepared for her. I put Mojo in his pouch that Luka prepared for him as well. Luka usually Puts an 1/8th of an apple with their Glid-a-mins on them and a couple pellets of food. We took the two suggies off to TaeKwonDo (TKD) and this time Mojo didn't make a peep until I started to show a little girl what he looked like through the mesh of his pouch, then he started to crab. It was way too loud in the building for anyone to hear the crabbing though. After TKD Luka started showing the little girl what precious looks like with the pouch open and when she did a couple of people saw and their curiosity got the better of them. So after a few of the moms seeing Precious I had gone outside the building to get some fresh air and wait for the kids to come out so we could go home and get din din. One of the ladies who saw Precious wanted to show someone else what a sugar bear looks like so I took Mojo out and let them see and pet him. He behaved nicely and did not seem afraid at all.

When I got home from TKD I put Mojo in my Pocket and started making dinner, he stayed there and slept the whole time. After dinner Luka needed help setting up one of those little ghetto pools (Anyone from Griswold Heights knows what I'm talking about). So with Mojo sleeping in my pocket I gave her the help she needed. He stayed in there for some time, until I decided to take a shower for the night. I put him in his cage and took a shower and felt good about it. When I got out of the shower Mojo was wandering around the cage eating the little metal clips that hold the cage together. I put my hand in his cage to see if he would climb on it and he just nonchalantly comes up and starts to bite my hand, and if I leave my hand in there he just comes after it following it as if it is the best tasting thing ever. I am not sure why he bites me like that, because its not a threatening bite, it's more of a 'Are you a treat?' bite. But I swear I am not a treat. I did not take him out because his nails are quite sharp and when he gets them in you they itch for a while afterwards and since I just showered I didn't want to be itchy.

Anywho, I am going to call this blog finished.

Just Not Skinny

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mojo day 4

Ok so today I didn't get to blog, but I'm gonna try to recap.

I am writing this from my iPhone so there is likely going to be some typos.

Ok so this morning my cousin Danielle stopped by to see Precious and Mojo. I'd like to think she came to say good bye to me too, because she is leaving for Italy in a week.

Mojo was crabbing because all the noise Danni and Luka was making so I took him out and played with him. Because Mojo isn't bonded yet we don't let anyone hold him. Danni stayed quite a while (mostly because I talked her ear off, and wouldn't let her leave) so she was able to get some time with Precious.

Tonight we took Precious and Mojo with us to Teakwondo. I had Mojo in his bonding pouch and Luka had Precious in hers. Mojo started crabbing, I thought for sure I'd get kicked out so I pressed my hand on him to comfort him. Joie, our neighbor and friend sitting next to us said if I'm not careful someone might come over and ask if I need something to eat (inferring that the crabbing noise sounds like my stomach was hungry). After that we put the babies back until later when I talked Luka into holding Mojo. Using the Mendenhall she was able to get him to sleep. After a little while of him sleeping and me playing with Precious we put them back and went to bed.

Just Not Skinny

Monday, July 18, 2011

Mojo Day 3

Side Note: for those who do not know what a Sugar Glider is, it is a Marsupial which is not the same as a flying squirrel. The fall in to the same family as the koala bear or Kangaroo. Because they are not rodents they have a good chance at getting along with your dog or cat. One of the biggest issues for beginners and Sugar Gliders is that most people see them as so cute, that they do not realize that it takes a lot of work to get these sugar gliders to bond. Sometimes it can take months, and I have heard it can take up to a year for your sugar bear to bond with you. Which is why I am writing this blog, to have a record of my bonding with Mojo. With Precious it is an ongoing bonding and I will write about her as well though this blog is mostly about the bonding between my family and our new Sugar bear Mojo.

5:58 AM Mojo is out running around the cage, Precious is in hammock. I pulled Precious out so I can see her and handed her a piece of her pellet. She grabbed the pellet and ate it. I always like to see that she is eating. One good sign that she is eating right is the way her poop comes out, so I take them out and de-poop them, which just consist of holding them over a napkin. Each day Mojo has only had to poop a small amount, but since it has only been about 48 hours i'm not gonna worry to much.

I handed Mojo a piece of pellet and he ate one, but then he just began to seek out my fingers to bite them. He has lost his initial fear of my fingers. I picked him up and put him in the Mendenhall, and he really doesn't like me right, now but he is adorable so blah.

So today I went to HVCC and registered for the the Fall semester, and afterward I painted my sons room so there was no Suggie love today. I am too tired so they get to have their time together tonight.

Just Not Skinny

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mojo Day 2


Woke up this morning (read afternoon) and went to grab Mojo from the cage but I had Precious who is tame, My son went in to get Precious (you know the one I had) and got attacked. It was a funny mistake.

I took Mojo out and held him for about an hour, he did fuss and fight while I tried to get him in the Mendenhall but once I got him in the grip he did go to sleep but was woken every time I typed something on the computer. Luella had Precious out so I grabbed her and brought her close to Mojo and he flipped out, she made a little hissing noise that seemed as if she was telling him something. It was actually amusing. She made the same noise when I put my hand in the cage and Mojo stood up like he was going to attack me, I am not sure if she was warning him or if she was just telling him it was ok because he sat down and kind of just watched me.

I tried once again to give him a fruit snack but he wanted nothing to do with it. I am a bit worried that he will not eat the pellets that we use for our Precious. The pet store we got Mojo from recommends meal worms for food and 'PP' does not. 'PP' uses (and so do we) a pellet and glide - a - min (vitamin) for their suggies. One of the reasons 'PP' does not recommend feeding them meal worms and crickets is because it causes them to have an odor. I can tell the difference between Precious odor (Puppy like) and Mojo's (Guinea Pig like) I can only assume 'PP' is correct. So I am worried that he won't eat the pellets. He did eat the apple we put in with the glid -a- mins so he is getting some fluids and vitamins but hopefully he will get the hang of the pellets.

After putting him back in the cage, he explored it some more, drank some water and he ate one of the fruit snacks I put in there. Then he went up in the hammock with Precious and went to sleep. They have slept most of the day, since I was painting a bedroom and wasn't bugging them. Around 10pm I took Mojo out and played with him on my bed. He bit me while I had him on my palm but if I put him on the back of my hand he didn't bite me. His bites aren't quite as hard as Precious'. He didn't crab as much, but he did bite when he got the chance, almost as if he wanted to see what I would do if he bit me. Every time he bit me I would say 'NO' in a firm voice and he would look at me as if to say hey don't yell at me I was just tasting you and you are delicious. I think I will leave them alone tonight and let them get into some sort of routine. Maybe he will eat tonight, if not I may have to get meal worms and I really do not want to do that. Just Not Skinny

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mojo Day 1

Today July 17, 2011,

We received an email from Adam at Pocket Pets ('PP') stating that they ('PP') were going to be in our area today until Monday. So we decided to go and bring our Precious to meet them and so they could meet our little girl. We learned a lot from them, specifically how we could hold her better to get better bonded with her. Then we decided to go to a local pet store to get a sand pad for Precious' wheel, and we ended up purchasing a baby boy sugar bear. PreciousMojo Now I have a loyalty to 'PP' because they have been really good to us, however we decided to purchase the sugar bear from the pet store because we wanted a male so that maybe one day we could have babies. 'PP' neuters there males. Also the only reason we purchased the sand pad is because 'PP' were on back order for their Wheels when we needed them and the one we have does not look like it will work with their pads. But I promise 'PP' I will be a better customer. If it makes you feel any better, the pet store does not approve of the way 'PP' raises their pets, but we are raising both our suggies the way 'PP' prescribes. Hopefully our new one (Mojo) will be okay eating the pellets.

So now we have a male Sugar Bear which we named Mojo and the first thing when we got home Luka Cleaned out the cage and freshened up the food, and even added a treat for each of the suggies and played with Precious while I had Mojo in his bonding pouch, and cooked dinner. I threw in an 1/8 of an apple in the pouch as recommended by 'PP', because the pet store did not do it when we purchased him. After dinner I pulled Mojo out of his pouch and began holding him in the bonding grip that 'PP' had taught us in the Mall today (See Rewind - Precious a Little History). He was actually tame(r) than Precious when we first got her. According to the pet store Mojo is 14 weeks out of pouch, and I know that 'PP' says that they should be between 8 and 12 weeks out of pouch for bonding but we decided to take a chance and see if we can bond with Mojo. When I held Mojo in the Mendenhall (Bonding Grip) he would just sit there and even seemed like he was going to sleep. But if I loosened at all he took whatever chance he had to get free even if it meant biting. And... He did bite, a few times, though he never broke the skin as Precious has before. I had to be especially careful with Mojo because he liked to try to jump out of my hand, and he is quick. Luckily though he never was able to escape the grasp of my menacing hands ha ha ha (in my most evil voice). Shortly after I held him for a little while I tried to give him some papaya treats to see if he was hungry, he was not. So we put Precious and Mojo in the freshly cleaned cage with fresh food, and we mixed the water with some orange Gatorade because we know Precious likes it and we thought maybe if he taste it we won't have to worry about him dehydrating.

In the cage Precious went up to her Hammock and he went to the bottom and just made noises at me hissing and growling and telling me he doesn't want me near but I went in anyway. I pulled Precious out and put her near him on the bottom of the cage, she was curious and went over to smell him but he did his big bear act and scared her away. So I let them be and she went and played for a little while and then went into her hammock to sleep. He started to explore and found his apple and shortly after her apple with Glid-a-mins (check spelling later) on them. He climbed on top of her and she didn't move. Then he found the glider chow and while smelling it and exploring it (He didn't eat any though) she came out to smell him but nothing transpired she went back to her Hammock. He continued to explore and eventually he went under a shirt on the bottom of the cage over a heat rock we had in there as prescribed by 'PP'. The heat rock was not on though because this place is like 88˚F in here.

Here I am at 3:05 typing this out so I can start Day 2 when I wake up and Precious came out and went to her wheel she sat in there for an hour. My lights went off as they usually do and Precious came out of her wheel and went down to smell where Mojo is lying. I turned the lights on so I could see and shortly after she went back in her wheel where she sits as if no one can get her. I turned the lights down again to see if she would go near Mojo again. I am a little worried they won't get along but I am hopeful.

Ok She did not go near Mojo and she is still sitting in her wheel, I am going to close this up and Go to bed.

Just Not Skinny

Monday, July 11, 2011

Rewind - a little Precious history

Side Note: for those who do not know what a Sugar Glider is, it is a Marsupial which is not the same as a flying squirrel. The fall in to the same family as the koala bear or Kangaroo. Because they are not rodents they have a good chance at getting along with your dog or cat. One of the biggest issues for beginners and Sugar Gliders is that most people see them as so cute, that they do not realize that it takes a lot of work to get these sugar gliders to bond. Sometimes it can take months, and I have heard it can take up to a year for your sugar bear to bond with you. Which is why I am writing this blog, to have a record of my bonding with Mojo. With Precious it is an ongoing bonding and I will write about her as well though this blog is mostly about the bonding between my family and our new Sugar bear Mojo.

So on March 6, 2011 we purchased a Sugar glider from Pocket Pets ('PP') at the Mall in Colonie, NY. Our Daughter came up with the name precious so we decided that we would give our new baby that name, mostly because none of us were able to come up with one of our own.


We were pretty scared of precious, since she gave off this loud noise and stood up on her rear legs like a little bear and swiped her paws at us while lunging at our hands. It was pretty scary even though the 'PP' customer service was saying do not be afraid. Eventually I figured out that I could pick her up while she was sleeping in her shirt, and I could flip her out and get her in the Mendenhall grip (the bonding grip). However she really was a fighter, and biter for that matter. I finally got some balls and decided no matter how hard she bite I was going to be tougher than her and grab her. though she still bit me when I wasn't looking and tore my hands up with her nails, I kept trying and trying to befriend her to no avail.

On May 17, 2011 my girlfriend (we'll call her Luka) noticed our little Precious was shivering a little and it was unusual for her. So she emailed 'PP' customer service and the sent her an email about a hind leg paralysis and we needed to make this emergency concoction. I told Luka that they are crazy, this is not hind leg paralysis, none of her symptoms were like the hind leg paralysis symptoms, so we ignored it (not a good choice).

May 20, 2011 I received an email from 'PP' (From Adam Wayne):

On May 20, 2011, at 9:29 AM, Adam Wayne wrote:


Good morning JustNotSkinny: (replacing my name with JustNotSkinny)

Adam Wayne here from Pocket Pets. ☺ One of our cage manufacturer’s recently brought it to our attention that one or more 
of the cage components used to make their cages MIGHT be defective. At this point, we have absolutely no way of testing
or knowing which/how many cages might be affected; but since everyone who works here has these little darlings as our
own personal pets; we all sat down together – as “parents” - and decided that the right thing to do was to err on the
side of caution just in case. ☺ 

Therefore, we are sending you a brand new cage – free of charge – in the next 2-3 weeks (hopefully sooner). 
It will be going out via UPS, and we have your current shipping address in our records as: 

If the above shipping information is correct, please click here to confirm – and you’re all set. ☺ 

If the above shipping information is NOT correct, please click here to enter a DIFFERENT shipping address. 

Again, please accept my most sincere apologies for this inconvenience. In the meantime, just keep giving your little
fuzzbutt(s) lots-a-luvin’ – and we will send you another email in a few days when everything has been shipped. ☺ 


Adam Wayne
Pocket Pets 

Ok on June 4, 2011 I woke up to my Sugar bear Shaking excessively and decided it was time to take Precious to the vet. After the vet I wrote 'PP' an email posted below:

On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 4:14 PM, JustNotSkinny  wrote:

Good Afternoon Adam:
	When you sent me this email on May 20th, 2011 regarding our cage I felt a happy tingly feeling in my stomach that
a company like pocket pets could exist, you just do not see that kind of resolve today. One feeling i did not really
get from the email is the urgency to the defective cage, nor did I really know what was defective about the cage.
Against my better judgement I dismissed researching the matter and said to myself well we will get another cage soon
and be fine, besides what could possibly be wrong with our cage it has been working fine for the short while we have
had it. 
	Rewind back a few days to May 17th, 2011 my fiancee (Luella) noticed that our 'Precious' (Our little baby's name
is precious because she is so) was shivering a little, which was not usual (not the usual shivering she did when we
first woke here or  when she seemed scared). She email customer support as she is a worry wort, and got the response
about Hind Leg Paralysis, which I thought to just be a scripted response. I didn't think this was the issue, and she
didn't have the shakes/shivers again so I dismissed it.
	Fast Forward to June 4th 2011, I find myself being woke out of a really nice deep sleep, Luella is telling me
that precious is shaking on her heat rock like the rock had a vibrator in it. When  I grabbed Precious, she indeed
was shaking uncontrollably, so first I thought wow maybe she does have hind leg paralysis, as it seemed she could not
move very well. So I held her really close and tried to comfort her while Luella looks around for a vet that works
with gliders.  So after finding one and getting an emergency appointment we set out to bring precious to the vet. We
prepared her pouch and grabbed her water bottle just in case.
	At the Vet, Dr. Joy Lucas tells us that she has seen quite a few of thee cases recently and that she believes
that the one thing that each of the cases have in common is the cage, and that she believes it to be toxic. So I
thought back to the letter sent to us on May 20th and started wondering did I not read that right? Did it say that
the cage may be detrimental and I should removed my Precious from the cage immediately? I wasn't sure, but I
mentioned it to her that we did receive an email from Pocket Pets and felt like it was just a small defect which I
took as to mean like a clip comes lose and Precious could get out or something, I never thought it could kill her.
She then tells me to take her out of the cage immediately. When I asked what should I put her in while I wait for our
cage from Pocket Pets, she said just get a small bird cage for now.

So by now I am sure you are waiting for me to start spitting out cost that I am having to go through because of this
cage situation, but that is not why I am emailing you today. No I am concerned for my Precious as I have become very
very close to her, although I suspect she is not as fond of me as I her. I am concerned for my family who also has
become close to her. So I am emailing you today to find out 1) if there is a way that I could be moved up to the top
of the list of your Cage shipments. 2) What is Pocket Pets prepared to do if my little Precious dies because of a
cage that may be toxic?

I really do not regret my decision to purchase Precious, and at this point I do not regret purchasing through Pocket
Pets, in fact when people ask I always tell them check out pocket pets because they give you the scoop on what to
feed them and how to keep them healthy for a long time. I truly hope that I'm not blindly being duped.

I regret having to communicate to you under these circumstances, I hope that my letter does not come off incorrectly,
and I hope you can understand my concerns.

Thank you,

And Later on that day I received a call from Matt at 'PP', explaining everything and letting me know that they are going to take care of the cage situation. Matt was a very sympathetic, and Passionate (about the incident) person. After talking to Matt I checked my email (as Matt had suggested I do) and there was a long letter from (the owner of 'PP'):

hey there Jim:

This is Adam Wayne from Pocket Pets.   Customer service just sent me a copy of your email, and so I wanted to get right
back to you immediately.  I'm SO sorry to hear about this, and rest assured we're going to do everything we can to help
you right away. 

As you are probably aware, we recently issued a cage recall to a specific group of customers, and that being said, the
only thing we DO know for sure is that a small percentage of the animals we've placed for adoption over the last few
months, (as well as those placed by many OTHER breeders and owners all over the country who have nothing to do with our
company), have suddenly become ill.  The other thing that seems to be true is that the majority of these animals then
appear to somehow get better fairly quickly once they are placed in a different cage.

Well, after spending literally tens of thousands of dollars working with the top sugar bear veterinarians for the past few 
eeks, the “good news” is we believe we finally may have some new information that:

1)     points towards what probably caused this,

2)     gives us what looks like an effective way to treat it, and

3)     will prevent this from ever happening again

Before I continue, I have to ask you to please forgive me here if all this sounds a little muddled as I’ve only had a few hours 
sleep in the last few weeks.

In any event, I’ll attempt to explain this all to you as briefly as I know how - while still including all the pertinent

At this point, I fully understand you probably really only care about the “cure” to all this, (and we’ll definitely get to
that here in a second) - but as a “dad” of 3 of these little guys myself (and a cat) I can’t possibly put into words how 
HORRIBLE this all makes me feel, and wanted to at least try and explain how we all got here.

To begin with, the first time we began hearing rumblings of this kind of “shaking” thing was just a few weeks ago – and 
even then it was extremely sporadic and often coming from vets who were seeing it in animals that had nothing to do with 
my company.  It certainly sounded odd at first, but the generalized symptoms (ie. shaking, trembling, partial paralysis, 
etc..) still easily fell within a range of several possible known (and treatable) causes.  Therefore, it didn’t 
necessarily raise any “red flags” for us or the knowledgeable vets we regularly consult with; because there just wasn’t 
enough consistency or data to suspect anything more at that time. 

 In any event, a short time later someone actually sent me a video of their baby “shaking” in the same way.  Quite 
frankly, in all my years of working with animals (and being a huge animal-lover) I had never seen ANYTHING like this 
before – so we immediately started putting a lot more emphasis into looking at what this might possibly be…

That being said, the first thing we did was to sit down with a handful of the top sugar bear vets in the country, and 
really take a hard look at this. Initially, they STILL strongly-suspected some sort of calcium deficiency-related issue 
(which again would be very treatable). However, over time once they eventually had collected enough data to start thinking 
it might possibly be something else - thankfully they all jumped in with both feet to help try and figure this out.  As 
such, one of the first things we decided to do (and are still doing as we speak) was test ALL our supplies and investigate 
all our supply chains. 

Since everybody who works here literally has these little darlings as our own personal pets, this quickly became a 24 hour 
a day “mission” for everyone in our company.  NOTHING was off-the-table, so we began logically-testing the food, vitamins, 
water bottles, heat rocks, heat lamps, cages – everything we could think of that even remotely made sense.  Our team of 
vets was looking for any toxin, mold, bacteria… literally anything they could think of – and everything kept coming back 
perfectly fine.

While at first you’d think that would make me feel better, in reality it just made things even more stressful and puzzling 
because by now we were seeing a couple more new cases like this every day.  Some of the cases were our customers, and many had 
absolutely nothing to do with our company. To this day, the animals affected that came from us still make up only a 
VERY small percentage of all the animals we placed for adoption; but there definitely appears to be much higher 
concentrations of these symptoms in certain areas.  That being said, in my eyes EVERY one of these little guys is 
somebody’s “family-member” – so pretty quickly I literally got to the point where I still am now – and stopped sleeping at 

Well, at the same time all this was happening, our vets also began doing as many clinical tests as they could – and even 
enlisted the help of expert pathologists, etc…  Together, they still couldn’t find anything consistently or significantly 
wrong with the animals that would point to a conclusive cause of all this. 

Unfortunately, as it turns out I’ve gotten quite an expensive “education” over the last couple weeks on how testing for 
“toxins” works.  Before all this, I thought it must  work just like on “CSI” (just send stuff off to a lab and “poof”, 
here’s the answer).  However, in the real world, one of the biggest problems scientists have with ANY “toxicity” issue is 
that it’s often impossible to definitively “nail down” a cause unless you already know AHEAD of time exactly what you’re 
looking for.  It still seems crazy to me that this is how it all works – but unfortunately I’ve now spent many thousands 
of dollars (on top of the money that we had saved up for our honeymoon) learning this reality.

In any event, after spending all this time and money, and still getting nowhere, we all sat down one night and decided to 
go back to the drawing board.  This time we went back through our supply chains again with a fine tooth comb – going back 
as far as we could through suppliers OF suppliers, etc...   Well, to make a very long story short, after a lot of digging 
we think we’ve discovered that the problem most likely originated from the SUPPLIER of one of our cage manufacturers .
As you know from reading all our special reports, we have always made a BIG deal out of having the highest quality cages – 
and both our manufacturer’s are well aware of that.  We’ve used the same two manufacturers for many years now – and never 
had a single problem – not once.  However, after doing a LOT of digging it “looks like” (and I say that because we’ll 
probably never be able to prove it) that a small company who supplies some of the cage components TO THE SUPPLIER of one 
of our cage manufacturers, (and as it turns out also supplies many other cage manufacturers nationwide), might have 
switched one of their sources without telling anyone up the line. 

Now, I know this gets a little complicated,  but the bottom line is that it looks like one of our cage manufacturer’s 
supplier’s – SUPPLIER - (or a company 4 generations removed from us) might have switched some things without telling 
anyone - and that is why we are all here today.

In any event, although we do not yet have all the test results back to confirm this suspicion – and may never be able to 
definitively prove it – we’ve done enough investigating that we all sat down as a company today and decided that we wanted 
to: 1) bring this to your attention right away, and 2) take decisive action by immediately replacing everyone’s cages.  
Again, since we all have these little guys as pets – when we all sat down together to make this decision about what the 
RIGHT thing to do was – we did it from the standpoint of fellow “parents” – not a business.

To tell you the truth, I have never felt so betrayed in my entire life – but at the same time I also feel HORRIBLE for 
this cage manufacturer – who is almost certainly going to go bankrupt over this.  They, like us, are a small “mom & pop” 
company with a handful of dedicated employees who work hard every day and depend on this for a living.  We’ve worked with
 them for years with never a single problem, but all these good people (who did nothing wrong themselves) are now probably 
going to lose their jobs because somebody lied to THEIR supplier.  It’s just wrong on so many levels that it’s hard to 

That being said, now that we believe we know what caused this – and that nobody else is going to be able to stand up and 
try to do the “right thing”, here’s what I have done, I’ve taken out a second mortgage on my home to try and pull enough 
money together to replace everyone’s cage right away who MIGHT be affected by this.  Again, to date this has still only 
affected a relatively small percentage of our customers – but since we don’t have ANY way of knowing which cages might 
need replacing – the only “right” thing to do here is to replace them all as quickly as we humanly can with cages (from 
our other long-time manufacturer) that we have tested and KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt are perfectly fine.


Assuming this is the general toxicity issue that we believe it is, the most important thing here is that it appears the 
treatment and road to recovery is going to be fairly simple and straightforward. 

So, here’s what we need to do NOW:

First, we are going to get you brand new cage ASAP.  Since we only just now found out that this was happening to you, 
we've ALREADY bumped you to the TOP of this list immediately so your cage will go out within the next 24 hours (if it 
hasn't already) !

The point is that we’ll immediately get a cage right out to you that we KNOW for a fact is perfectly fine.  Now, please 
understand that I would ship this cage to you on a private jet TODAY if I had the money – but unfortunately with today’s 
housing prices the way they are, the maximum mortgage my bank would give me just BARELY covered the cost of making all the 
new cages – and shipping them by UPS ground.  Unfortunately, these cages are so heavy and bulky that it actually costs 
almost as much to ship one express as it does to make it – so there’s just no way I could do that and still help everyone. 

Now, I fully understand that this it totally MY problem – not yours - but please understand that I am just trying to do 
everything in my power to stand up and do the right thing here for every customer who might be affected by this.  The 
simple fact is that there is no way of knowing exactly how many or which cages might be affected by this – so the only 
thing I can do is just err on the side of caution and replace everyone’s who might even possibly be affected. 

Please believe me when I tell you that everyone who works here is focused on this, and we will send your cage out as soon 
as possible.  Now, in case you’re wondering - according to the best veterinary guidance we can get on this – the condition 
itself probably won’t get significantly worse over the next 4-5 days as long as you start the treatment I’ll lay out in 
just a second.   In fact, according to our records, over half of the animals affected by this appear to slowly recover 
over time even without the treatment.  However, if you absolutely feel that you do not want to wait for your new cage to 
arrive, the best thing I can suggest would be to go to a local WalMart or dept. store in your area - and get one of those 
small, pop-up type soft travel cages made out of fabric for small animals. Also, a small hamster-type cage would work in a 
short-term situation like this.  Unfortunately we just have no money to reimburse you for that, but since you’d only need 
a small one for a couple days it shouldn’t be too expensive.

Your new cage will come with a very simple set of picture instructions (that one of our employee’s wives made up special for 
us) - and all the tools you need to assemble it in just a few minutes – and obviously you must throw out/recycle the old cage. 
 DO NOT keep it or use it under any circumstances.  There’s literally no reason to - and even though it poses absolutely no 
harm to you or anyone in your family – there is always the potential that over time it could put your animal’s health in 
jeopardy again if it’s in your home.  Please just throw it away so there’s absolutely no room for error.

That being said, since we now know that you're experiencing the standard symptoms of involuntary shaking or wobbling – or 
partial paralysis – here are a few important facts you need to know…  First, from the cases we’ve seen it sincerely looks like 
there’s a decent chance your animal could recover all by itself if you simply put it into the new cage and make sure they’re 
getting lots to eat (and especially drink to so it keeps “flushing out” their system).  Quite frankly, that’s the whole reason 
WHY we’re sending a new cage out to you right away – because it does seem to be very effective in a lot of cases. 

However, that being said, we would NEVER discourage anyone from going to a vet, and OBVIOUSLY the best opportunity for a full 
recovery for your animal is most-likely with veterinary assistance.

Therefore, if you decide to take your animal to the vet (which again, we of course recommend) please do the following:

1.     Print out the most recent “Veterinary Update and List of Treatment Protocols”.  For your convenience, it is attached to 
this email.  This is the latest “vet-to-vet” medical update on the best ways to clinically treat this – published by the 
Association of Sugar Glider Veterinarians.  Make an appointment with your vet and take this with you.  Now, as you probably 

already know, different vets can charge VASTLY different prices – so depending on how your vet wants to do things, this kind of 
treatment can cost anywhere from around $300 to as much as $1,000. 

Now, I FULLY understand that this is a lot of money, and only you can decide the best route to take.  Having said that, I also 
COMPLETELY understand that nothing could ever “replace” one of your family members - but just know for now that in the off-
chance (heaven-forbid) that they should happen to pass-on after seeing a vet that I am also FULLY committed to getting you 
another animal at no charge whatsoever. 

2.     If you decide that you want to go to a vet – and don’t already have one who is familiar with your situation - send an 
email to right away.  Include: 1) your full name, 2) your email address, 3) your telephone number, 4) 
the place where you purchased the animal, and 5) your complete mailing address including ZIP CODE.

While we can’t promise anything, we will try to find you the nearest knowledgeable vet who may have already been briefed on how 
to take care of this.  Once we send you the vets contact information, just make an appointment, and follow the instructions 

As I said, the treatments these vets are currently using is fairly simple and straightforward.  The recovery rates also seem to 
be very good, and as long as it’s caught early enough, one-way-or-the-other you should hopefully start seeing signs of recovery 
within a week or two. 

Again, I apologize profusely for taking up so much of your time reading this, but the bottom-line here is that I have never 
experienced anything like this before and I’m just being completely up-front because it is the only thing I know to do.  This 
past month has easily been the most stressful one of my entire life.  The thought of even one of my customer’s animals getting 
sick is bad enough – but this has literally kept me up every night for almost 3 weeks now.  Then, also knowing that one of our 
cage manufacturers (who also did nothing wrong here) will most likely go out of business because of this is beyond tragic - and 
I’m praying that we don’t as well. 

Quite frankly, this entire company was built on a business model that is almost the opposite of any other company in the “pet” 
business.  The idea from day one has always been to make very little profit “up-front” - and then EARN our customer’s long-term 
loyalty (ie. buying food, supplies, etc..) for many years to come as their sugar bears become a loving part of their family. 

That being said, in case you’re wondering why I’m shouldering all this personally myself it’s because – quite simply – this is 
my company. While Virgil Klunder (the guy who sends you the daily emails) did originally found this company and still authors 
many of the education/philosophies we follow to this day; his role in the company at this point is mainly educational and 
structural.  While this isn’t a franchise, I solely own and run the company that place sugar bears for adoption in the NE and 
midwest United States – and this is solely my “cross” to bear.

The simple truth is that nobody could have possibly seen this coming - but as far as I know - so far we are the ONLY one (out 
of all the manufacturer’s that have been affected by this) who is stepping up and replacing cages.  The fact is, since I have 
very low profit margins to begin with, this is something that will affect my wife and my life for many years to come.  I fully 
recognize that standing behind this (instead of just declaring bankruptcy) may not be the best “business move” - and I may be 
getting in over my head.  However, I am also responsible for every person who works here in our company (who did nothing wrong 
to deserve this) – and have literally worked round the clock on this for the last few weeks.  Deep-down I just have to believe 
in my heart that this is the right thing to do given the circumstances. 

Having said that, I’m sorry to say it is literally impossible for me to offer any refunds or reimbursements for vet bills.  At 
this point, I have taken out every mortgage and loan I possibly can get just to: 1) get everyone new cages,  and 2) keep my 
employees from losing their jobs.  The plain truth is that anything more would just push me so far over the edge that I 
wouldn’t have any other choice but to close the doors.  At this point, not only would the lives of many good people be ruined 
(over something that wasn’t their fault), but none of my customers or their animals would get any help either. 

Having said all that, again, I really, REALLY thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  I can see that it has gotten 
much longer than I wanted, but I have purposely tried very hard to make it extremely comprehensive because the simple fact is 
that it’s practically IMPOSSIBLE for me to return emails and individual phone calls to answer any questions I might have 
accidentally left unanswered while I'm still "up to my ears" in all of this. 

Again, being the “parent” of 3 of these little guys myself, I TOTALLY understand it if you want to “talk” to a physical person 
about all this.  However, I need you to PLEAAASE understand that no matter how much I WISH I could have called and explained 
this entire situation to you personally myself – I literally do not have ONE second to breathe right now – and am forced to 
focus ALL my energy for the next few weeks on trying to make this right –and trying to keep all our heads above water in the 

With that in mind, again, I PROMISE you that all the information I currently have is contained in this letter and you can go to 
bed every night knowing that I am doing EVERYTHING possible to make good on this situation for anyone who has been affected. 
 Furthermore, if/when we receive any new developments regarding this situation that could affect you – believe me, I WILL 
immediately get in contact with you.

That being said, if you have an urgent/important question that you believe we can answer even though it’s not addressed in this 
letter, you can still email us at, and as always we will do our best to get back with you as 
quickly as possible.  If you absolutely require a phone call back just let us know and we will do our very best to get back to 
you in a timely manner – but please do not take it personally if this takes awhile.

I sympathize more than I can put in words, and appreciate what you and your family have been put through with this ordeal.  
Just please know in your heart that I am doing my absolute best to bear the burden of fixing it.  Based on all the information 
we currently have, I BELIEVE with all my heart that getting you this new cage right away is going to make a HUGE difference and 
help make things better – and I’m not saying that lightly because I’ve literally bet our home on that.  Again I’m SO sorry to 
have played any part in this situation, but hopefully we’ll ALL be out of it very soon.  I can’t wait for the day when I can 
get back to talking to mom’s & dad’s about all the cute and funny things their little fuzzbutts did the night before – and PRAY 
that those days will be back again soon. 

Thank you SO much for reading this EXCRUCIATINGLY long letter.



So not long after we did receive our new cage. We continued as the Vet said to and Precious got better and even became a little closer to us.